Employee Spotlight: JR Jacinto

Director of Business Development, JR Jacinto, joined Bjork Construction Company in 2023. Having established a successful career in the Bay Area’s tech industry, his foray into construction has been both unexpected and exciting. See what he has to say about where he’s been and where he’s going!

What was your professional industry & experience before construction?

All over the place. Manufacturing (plastic molding), furniture, energy, and technology industries. I used to be in IT/Network Administration, Lead-Gen Marketing, and then Solutions Architect.

What prompted you to get into the construction industry?

I had just left my previous position and was presented with an opportunity to work at Bjork Construction, where I had been consulting since 2000.

What are the differences between your previous industry and construction?

I feel like the people are more down to earth, less entitled and more hard working. The Construction industry seems more established over the years where tech businesses would be start and disappear within 10 years.

Describe your position with Bjork Construction. What do you do? What is the purpose? How does it impact the company?

I’m focused on business development at Bjork. Focusing on statistics to help identify our strengths and weaknesses; isolating the issues and adding processes or applications to reduce impact; optimizing and streamline executables to help with transparency. Ideally it will help the company to run more efficiently, and we can scale out exponentially.

Describe the culture of Bjork Construction?

The culture is comfortable. Everyone understands the direction that the company is going towards, and there is a clear definition of roles and responsibilities. I think the company is evolving, especially with the implementation of EOS, and now looking towards optimization and scalability.

What have you learned from the construction industry so far?

Probably the importance of transparency and communication. Making sure to keep a paper trail for everything and attention to detail will make or break a project.

What do you hope to contribute to the construction industry?

Disrupt the industry.  (The “cause radical change in an industry or market by means of innovation” definition of it).

What do you think people would be most surprised to learn about the construction industry?

It’s a balance between efficiency and quality. You must be efficient enough to where your proposal and execution is lower costing than a competitor, the quality is on par or surpasses client expectations while following protocol, and somehow still be profitable.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Spoiling the pups, cars, golfing, and just working on random projects with friends.

Dog person or Cat person? Why?

Depends on what my pups, Ev & Prim, identify as for the day.



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